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    Trusted by brands like


    Manage operations from your desk

    Get more intentional with what you want to view by choosing from over 200+ AI checklists. Align with best industry practices, and save time and money from making trips to your business locations.

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    Make better decisions in real-time

    Add all your team members by inviting them through their With real-time insights suggested to you by AI, you can know what actions are the most relevant and effective for the problem you’re facing. Whether it is an unattended customer or a mishap in the kitchen, you can solve it within minutes.

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    Train your employees with ease

    With task-specific videos stored in the cloud, you can locate a specific video through smart search and train your employees effortlessly through video streams.

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    Video analytics for the development-driven

    Analyze key metrics such as peak hours, customer engagement, demographics, raised incidents, and bulk download reports. Study bottlenecks and take action in the future to increase operational efficiency and revenue

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    Collaborate with your team

    Add all your team members by inviting them through their email. Divide tasks amongst team members, and keep track of what’s happening across your locations by raising tickets for any contingency.

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    Wobot analyzes camera feeds and generates actionable insights for various businesses across industries

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    Wobot Intelligence Inc. 3411 Silverside Road, Ste 104 Wilmington, DE 19810