Part 2: Unleashing the Potential of Videos: A Journey into Video Intelligence and AI-Powered Insights

Welcome back to our exploration of video intelligence! In the previous sections, we delved into the fascinating world of computer vision and video analysis. Today, we will continue our journey and uncover the power of video streaming terminologies and infrastructure deployment strategies that can empower stakeholders in the security and surveillance industry to deliver enhanced solutions in this AI-driven era.

We are currently experiencing an AI wave that is sweeping across industries.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the way we interact with technology, and its impact is particularly significant in the security and surveillance domain.

Here are some eye-opening statistics:

  • The global AI market is projected to reach a value of USD 190.61 billion by 2025, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 36.62% from 2019 to 2025. (MarketWatch)
  • By 2022, the global video surveillance market is estimated to generate more than 2.5 quintillion bytes of video data per day. (IDC)
  • The global video surveillance market was valued at USD 45.5 billion in 2020 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.6% from 2021 to 2028. (Grand View Research)
  • Video intelligence solutions are expected to generate revenue of up to $15 billion by 2025. (Juniper Research)

With such exponential growth and the massive influx of video data, security camera OEMs, VMS manufacturers, and industry partners have a unique opportunity to ride the AI wave and offer more comprehensive, sophisticated, and AI-driven solutions to their customers.

Now is the time to catch this wave of innovation and leverage the power of video intelligence. By embracing cutting-edge technologies and understanding the key video streaming terminologies, stakeholders can lead the way into a new era of enhanced security solutions.

Intrigued? Let's dive in and explore how these terminologies can unleash the potential of videos and empower stakeholders to stay ahead in this AI-driven era.

Video Streaming Terminologies

Frames per second (FPS):

Frames per second (FPS) is a measure of how many pictures, or frames, are shown in each second of a video. It affects how smooth and clear the video appears. Higher FPS values mean there are more frames shown in a second, resulting in a smoother and more detailed video.

How we’d explain it to a 5-year-old: Imagine you're drawing a picture and you draw a lot of little pictures fast, one after another. When you look at all those little pictures together, it looks like the pictures are moving! That's how videos work too. They're made up of many pictures shown one after another very quickly. The more pictures there are in each second, the smoother the video looks. It's like watching a movie that doesn't jump around or look blurry.


Bitrate refers to the number of dots in a video. A higher bitrate means there are more dots, and the picture in the video looks clearer and shows more details. By providing higher bitrate solutions, security camera manufacturers and VMS providers can capture intricate details and enable AI algorithms to extract meaningful insights, improving object recognition, behavior analysis, and anomaly detection.

How we’d explain it to a 5-year-old: Imagine you're drawing a picture with lots of tiny dots. The more dots you use, the more detailed and clear your picture becomes. Bitrate is like the number of dots in a video. A higher bitrate means there are more dots, and the picture in the video looks clearer and shows more details.

Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP):

RTSP enables live video streaming, allowing security personnel to monitor and respond to potential threats in real time. It's like having a special TV that shows you what's happening in another place right at that moment. By embracing RTSP, security camera manufacturers, and VMS providers can create cameras and systems that provide instant access to video feeds, empowering timely actions to ensure safety.

How we’d explain it to a 5-year-old: Imagine you have a special TV that shows you what's happening in another place right at that moment. It's like having a window to see things happening far away. Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) is the special technology that makes this possible.

Infrastructure and Deployment Terminologies

Let's delve into infrastructure and deployment terminologies that can help unleash the full potential of video intelligence and cater to the evolving needs of customers.

Edge computing:

Edge computing brings smart computer capabilities right to the cameras. It allows cameras to process and analyze video data on the spot, without relying on a distant computer. This enables real-time decision-making, instant threat detection, and proactive security measures.

How we’d explain it to a 5-year-old: Imagine you have a special computer that can do really smart things, like recognizing objects and keeping an eye on things. Edge computing is like having that special computer right where the action is happening.

Cloud computing:

Cloud computing is a technology that allows storing and analyzing videos in a virtual space, like a special brain in the sky. It enables security camera makers and video system companies to do smart things with videos, understand what's happening, and protect places from anywhere with an internet connection.

How we’d explain it to a 5-year-old: Cloud computing is like a special brain in the sky where videos are stored. It helps cameras and computers understand what's happening in videos and keeps them safe. It's like having a magic window that lets you see and do things from anywhere in the world.


The AI wave is not just a trend; it is a transformative force reshaping the security and surveillance landscape.

In the ever-evolving surveillance industry, security camera manufacturers, VMS providers, and integrated security solution providers must recognize the game-changing potential of video intelligence. Ignoring this transformative technology is no longer an option. By embracing video intelligence, you can set yourself apart from the competition, meet the rising demand for advanced surveillance capabilities, and unlock new avenues for revenue generation.

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